
Do You Have To Sign A Service Plan With Dcf?

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New Jersey Department of Children and Families Policy Manual



Child Protection and Permanency

Effective Date:3-ii-2009



Out of Home Placement



General Placement Considerations

Revised Engagement:




Child Rubber/Safety Assessments



Safety Protection Plan


This issuance establishes the policy and procedures for developing a Rubber Protection Plan when children are in placement.


A)  Determine the Placement Outcome

If i of the safety factors (on CP&P Class 22-six) is marked "yes," the CP&P-placed child shall be considered "unsafe" (i.e., in firsthand or impending danger of serious harm) in the resource family home.

The person(s) conducting the assessment shall immediately contact his or her Supervisor from the field to conference the matter. If the assigned Supervisor is unavailable/cannot be reached, the Worker/RFSW speaks with another field Supervisor or directly consults the Casework Supervisor.

The person(s) conducting the assessment and his or her Supervisor conference the case to confirm the kid is unsafe, and, if and so, to determine:

i.  Whether to make efforts to continue the child in the home nether a Safety Protection Program, or

2.  Whether to remove and re-place the kid in an alternative resource dwelling house, (particularly if the child has a express relationship with the resource parents and other members of the household.)

A safety concern for one CP&P placed child triggers the need to discuss the safety and well-being of each kid placed by CP&P in that home. Individual Safety Protection Plans may be warranted for each child placed in the home by CP&P.

If there are concerns nearly birth, adopted, or other children residing in the home, plans for ensuring their prophylactic shall besides be fabricated. If any child is removed, and other children remain in the home, a Condom Protection Plan shall exist developed to assure his or her condom.

The Supervisor consults the Casework Supervisor or other managerial or resources staff, if appropriate, to assist with developing a viable plan.

B)  Craft Each Programme Individually

The person(s) conducting the assessment shall have necessary steps to effectuate the Safety Protection Program. The Safety Protection Plan shall be implemented promptly before the CP&P representative(s) leaves the habitation. The person(s) conducting the assessment gives a signed copy of the Condom Protection Program to the resource parent before leaving the home.

The Rubber Plan shall be individually crafted for the identified kid where prophylactic factors were identified.


1)  Developing a Safety Protection Plan

The Worker or RFSW develops a Safe Protection Plan, to assure the immediate care and safety of the CP&P placed kid, if whatever child is to remain in placement. Base the plan on the specific safety factor(south) establish, the household dynamics, inter-relationships, and the child's immediate circumstances.

ii)  Notifications by Supervisor When the Child is "Dangerous"

When a safety concern(s) is identified in a resource family habitation, the assigned Supervisor takes the following deportment:

a. Conferences the case with the person(south) conducting the

       assessment (who is calling from the field), to develop a Condom Protection

       Plan or a programme to remove and replace the kid.

b.  Immediately notifies the Casework Supervisor, Local Office Director,

       IAIU, OOL and RFSU staff,

c.  Notifies each field unit Supervisor who supervises a child placed in the


Consult the DCF Interstate Services Unit if the dwelling is located out of country:

a. CP&P, the Interstate Services Unit, and the host land CPS agency

      consult, as necessary, to determine whether the kid tin can remain in the

      resource family home nether a Condom Protection Plan, and, if so, how the

      program is to be implemented and monitored; or

b.  Plans may need to be made to remove the child and return him or her to

       the State of New Jersey.

ii) Developing an individually crafted plan

To develop the Safety Protection Plan, the CP&P representative, Supervisor, and Casework Supervisor, when appropriate CP&P staff:

a.  Identifies the safety cistron(s) that applies (i.e., determine what is making

       the child "unsafe"), and specifies exactly:

i.  What the danger to the kid is,

two. Who, or what, is the source of danger,

3. What action, inaction, or behavior is causing danger,

iv. Which child is endangered;

     b. Clearly states the specific action(south) that was taken during the habitation visit;

c. Clearly states the activeness that are needed subsequently the determination of the

    field visit, specifying:

i. How to appease the identified prophylactic factor(s),

ii.  Engagement specified activity(south) to be completed,

iii.  Service needs identified by the resource family and child;

               d. Identifies the responsible party for implementing the plan,


i. How to verify that the safety activity(southward) is in place,

ii. Who, in CP&P or others (e.g., service providers), are

       responsible for carrying out the Safety Protection Plan,

iii. How frequently the child or home needs to be visited to assure the plan is beingness followed, and the date of the next visit to the home,

iv. How progress is to be tracked and monitored until safety is restored,

v. How the Rubber Protection Programme volition be evaluated, to clinch information technology is effective in protecting the child and keeping the child prophylactic.

Each resource parent and each CP&P representative on the scene signs the Safety Protection Plan. If it is not possible to develop a viable Safety Protection Plan, the kid is removed and re-placed to assure his or her, condom.

iv.   Resource Parent Refuses to Sign

If the resource parent refuses to sign the program, the CP&P representative advises his or her Supervisor, to make up one's mind:

a. If the resource parent volition comply with the plan simply is refusing to sign it;

                  b.  If the resource parent will sign the programme while the other resources

       parent refuses to sign, and how the kid will be impacted past this

      impasse; or

c.   If the resource parent will non sign the plan because he or she does not

     agree with the plan and will non comply with it.

The Worker, RFSW, and Supervisor make up one's mind, together, if the refusal to sign is a reason to remove the child.

Forms and Attachments:

· CP&P Course 22-5, New Jersey Child Safety Assessment in Resource

Family Homes - Encompass Sheet

· CP&P Grade 22-6, New Bailiwick of jersey Child Safety Assessment (Resources


· Contact Activeness Note (printable every bit CP&P Form 26-52, Contact Sail)

Other Relevant Forms

· CP&P Form 5-five, Resource Family unit Parent Agreement

Related Information:

  • CP&P-3-C-3-200, Supervision and Contacts During Placement
  • CP&P-IV-B-2-100, Number of Children in a Resources Abode

· CP&P-Iv-B-6-400, Foster Parent's Employment and Supervision or Child Care for the Foster Kid

Do You Have To Sign A Service Plan With Dcf?,


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