
How To Debug Windows Service Without Installing

Debug Windows Service In C# Without Installing

This blog article is to prove how to Debug Windows Service without installing. When you lot create a Windows Service. Y'all should run across the lawmaking similar to the ane below but without the WriteLog.

public partial class Service1 : ServiceBase


public Service1()




protected override void OnStart(string[] args)




protected override void OnStop()




The original generated Main() is like the one beneath.

static void Main()


    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;

    ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]


        new Service1()




To debug without installing, add the lawmaking every bit follow, mainly #if (!DEBUG) .

static void Primary()


#if (!DEBUG)

    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;

    ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]


        new Service1()




    Service1 myServ = new Service1();


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