
What Is The United States Secret Service Mission Statement

Surreptitious Service

Responsible for the Protection of the President & Financial Crimes.

Virtually Hole-and-corner Service

 The United States Cloak-and-dagger Service has approximately 3,300+ special agents and is mandated by statute and executive order to carry out 2 significant missions:  Protection and Investigations. The Undercover Service maintains over 100 field offices throughout the United states and in 16+ countries.

The Hush-hush Service was established as a police enforcement agency in 1865.  Its original mandate was to investigate the counterfeiting of U.S. currency, a mission the Clandestine Service however executes.  After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Congress directed the Hugger-mugger Service to protect the President of the United states.

Official History

Test Prep  Class

Proper exam preparation is amongst the *most* of import steps that applicants demand to accept if they are seriously considering a career with the USSS.  After conscientious research and review, I accept selected i of the all-time and most highly reviewed courses available on the market place. READ MY TEST PREP Web log

Surreptitious Service Overview

The Surreptitious Service has a proud historical tape and is inextricably linked to the security of U.S. Presidents & their family members.  In reality, the Hush-hush Service protective umbrella mission additionally extends to the Vice President, visiting foreign heads of country, major presidential candidates and National Special Security Events.  The secondary investigation mission covers areas such equally counterfeit, identity theft and cybercrime.

Straight Talk Secret Service

The Secret Service is aggressively hiring entry level special agents with a realistic preview & emphasis on the main Protective Mission .  New special agents should wait extensive travel, mandatory overtime, post standing assignments and an ops oriented mission that routinely involves shift work.  Also, despite what you may have seen in the movies, the chances of a new SA being anywhere well-nigh the President are extremely remote.  Those Presidential Detail positions are reserved for experienced SA's that have proven themselves over years of difficult piece of work.  The Investigative mission is express in scope and ever takes a back seat to Protective responsibilities.  In general, a new SA can wait to travel all over the world, be in the middle of political events and hold responsibility for securing high profile assets.  For a realistic preview of the job, I encourage all to read this commodity written past former SA William Cuff .  Unfortunately, it has been well publicized that the current operational tempo has contributed to the departure of experienced agents (peculiarly those with families), as many have grown tired of the unrelenting pace.

Hole-and-corner Service Investigative Mission

Although a secondary priority, the USSS investigates:

  • Violations of laws relating to counterfeiting of obligations and securities of the United states of america
  • Financial crimes that include, just are not limited to, financial institution fraud, false identification documents, admission device fraud, advance fee fraud, reckoner and telecommunications fraud, electronic funds transfers and money laundering as it relates to the agency's core violations
  • Computer-based attacks on the nation's financial, banking and telecommunication infrastructure

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Secret Service Requirements

  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Exist at to the lowest degree 21 years of age at time of awarding and younger than 37 at the time of receipt of a provisional offer of employment to proceed in the application process. Applicants with veterans' preference must be at least 21 years of age and younger than 40 at the fourth dimension of receipt of a conditional offer of employment to keep in the application process.
  • Possess a electric current valid driver's license
  • Qualify for the GL-07 level or the GL-09 level
  • Have uncorrected vision no worse than 20/100 binocular; correctable to twenty/20 in each eye (NOTE: Lasik, ALK, RK and PRK corrective middle surgeries are adequate optics surgeries for special agent applicants provided specific visual tests are passed. The following are the waiting periods before visual tests are conducted after the surgery: Lasik surgery–three months; PRK–vi months; and ALK and RK–i yr.) Applicants must meet the vision requirement at the time of application.
  • Be in first-class wellness and physical status
  • Pass a written test
  • Laissez passer an Bidder Physical Abilities Test
  • Qualify for a Top Secret clearance and undergo a complete background investigation, to include in-depth interviews, drug screening, medical and polygraph examinations
  • Certify that you have registered with the Selective Service System or are exempt from having to exercise so, if y'all are a male bidder born after December 31, 1959
  • The Surreptitious Service prohibits employees from having visible torso markings (including merely not express to tattoos, body art, and branding) on the caput, face, neck, mitt and fingers (any area below the wrist bone).

Secret Service Hiring Procedure

Hole-and-corner Service New Hires

Newly hired Secret Service trainees are appointed in the GL-7 to GL-9 range depending on their private qualifications.  The initial appointment is under the Excepted Service.  After successful completion, SAs are converted to Career Status

Surreptitious Service Academy Preparation

Special Agent trainees must complete the Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) at FLETC Georgia and the subsequent xviii-calendar week Special Agent Training Course at the Hush-hush Service'due south training academy outside of Washington, D.C.  This follow-on class focuses on specific Secret Service policies and procedures associated with the dual responsibilities of investigations and protection.  Trainees are provided with basic knowledge and advanced application training in combating counterfeiting, access device fraud and other financial criminal activity, protective intelligence investigations, physical protection techniques, protective advances and emergency medicine. The core curriculum is augmented with all-encompassing training in marksmanship, command tactics, water survival skills and physical fitness.

Secret Service Internship Program

The The states Underground Service administers the Pathways Plan, which is a paid internship for current students.  Upon successful completion of this program, students can be converted to a permanent position.  This is highly recommend!

Pathways Programme - USSS - Learn More

Hole-and-corner Service Strategic Plan

The best style to understand USSS mission & responsibilities is to read their own annual reports.  I highly encourage prospective applicants to read the latest Annual Written report and Strategic Programme for insight.  You will learn infinitely more from these documents; versus the rantings and ravings past anonymous posters on various forums.

2021 Undercover Service Report

At the request of bureau leadership, the National Academy of Public Administration has just published their Sep 2021 study on the land of the U.Southward. Cloak-and-dagger Service.

I would highly encourage all current and future Secret Service Special Agents to read this detailed review and develop a current snapshot of the bureau.  Some interesting facts, it takes between 58K-250K to train a federal police enforcement officer, depending on series and agency. As well, USSS is looking into developing a unique non-transferable supplement to their retirement to aid with retention.

Read Report

Zero Fail - 2021

Few authors take delved into the inner workings of a federal law enforcement agency like journalist Carol Leonning.  Although she provides groundwork on well known historical events; her assay of the ongoing staffing crunch, low morale and mission creep is expressionless on and echoes the grumblings of line special agents.  Unfortunately, USSS management is notorious for being tyrannical and demanding of overworked agents.   At 1 point, Secret Service special agents were desperately seeking a merger with HSI in order to alleviate their operations tempo.   Perhaps a structural change and true reform may arise from this publication.

Read More - Amazon Link

Secret Service Related Links

Continuing Post Podcast

The United states of america Hugger-mugger Service runs an excellent podcast.  This podcast show is a great opportunity to learn more than about the selection process, operations and career path of a typical Secret Service Special Amanuensis.  All applicants are urged to listen and acquire.

USSS Standing Mail Podcast

Association of Former Agents U.Southward. Secret Service

Well-nigh all major 1811 agencies take an association and The Secret Service is no exception.  Visit their site to learn more than about upcoming conferences, awards and scholarships.

  • USSS Takedowns

    Add together a curt description


  • Life imitates Art

    Similar the pic graphic symbol played by Clint Eastwood, for approximately three years, Special Agent in Charge Anthony Ornato was the Detail Leader for the Presidential Protective Detail.

    Featured prominently in a recent Nat Geo documentary, special agents with the rank of SAIC like Ornato represent a minority of (1%<) of USSS personnel.

    Read More than

    Hugger-mugger Service

    Investigative Portfolio

    Although information technology ofttimes takes a back seat to Protective Operations, the USSS has a significant financial investigations portfolio. The USSS additionally has leading edge capabilities in Document Forensics & Online Intrusion.


  • Forensics

    Add together a short description


  • Special Amanuensis vs. Uniformed Sectionalisation

    Although they are similarly (and confusingly) branded, the USSS is composed of two singled-out positions, the Special Agent & Uniformed Division Officer.  It is common for both to wear lettering that just states "Surreptitious Service."

    The officers of the Uniformed Partitioning are NOT 1811 criminal investigators.  These officeholder positions are more analogous to the Federal Protective Service or uniformed FBI Police.  The UD supports the presidential protective mission in various roles (i.e. white house security, patrol, One thousand-9, motorcade, etc.).

    UD Official Site

    Presidential Assassination Attempts

    The attempts to assassinate the U.S. President accept been constant throughout history.  Some Presidents (i.due east. Bush & Ford) survived several attempts during their tenure.  It is the chore of the USSS to always be vigilant to this mortal threat.  Strangely enough, the FBI tends to take jurisdiction in the event a protectee is killed, more often than not due to their infrastructure.

    Security Incidents

    The number of incidents impacting the security of the President & White House are too numerous to listing.  It appears that the White Business firm attracts a number of unstable personalities every year.  USSS personnel have encountered folks that have shot at the White House, attempted to ram barricades, shown up with firearms, breached security events, jumped the security perimeter, crashed a airplane, & even flown a helicopter onto the lawn .

    SA's in History - JFK Assassination

    Perhaps no outcome is more inextricably connected to the modern Hush-hush Service than the bump-off of President John F. Kennedy.  Two seconds after the first shot, SA Clint Loma launched himself onto the limo in what turned out to be a futile endeavour to protect JFK.  The Warren Committee Study later exposed several failures by an agency hampered by inadequate funding, preparation & personnel.

    The USSS learned from this historical failure and reinvented itself into the best protective service agency in the globe.

    USSS & HSI Partnership

    The USSS & HSI take a close partnership that dates back to their legacy days in the Treasury Dept.  The USSS relies on thousands of HSI special agents to support presidential election candidates & big events such every bit the UN Full general Assembly , RNC, DNC, & Inauguration.

    Presidents Killed by Assassins

    After the assassination of President McKinley, Congress formalized the Secret Service'southward role in Presidential Security.

    SA'south in History-Reagan Bump-off Try

    On March 30, 1981, with news cameras rolling , a lone gunman shot and wounded and so President Ronald Reagan.  The initial shots hitting the White House Printing Secretary & a DC Police Officer.  As Regan was beingness evacuated, SA Tim McCarthy literally stepped into the line of fire and took a bullet for the President.  The final shot ricocheted off the limo and hit the president underneath the left underarm, ultimately lodging in his lung.

    After conducting an assessment, SAIC Jerry Par realized the President had been gravely injured and diverted the limo to the hospital, a decision that certainly helped salve Reagan's life.

    Gear Review

    Zerogrand Shoes

    Often referred to as "post-continuing," 1811s assigned to Protective Service Details must often stand at a fixed location during their shift.  When adding the accommodate and gear ( firearm, radio, cuffs, not-lethal ), a comfortable apparel shoe is a must only oft difficult to find equipment.

    A Secret Service Special Agent shared this gem and highly recommended it for use.  Although it looks like a normal dress shoe at beginning glance, it is designed for comfort and has a low contour rubber sole, which makes it suitable for extended shift work.  I sorely wish somebody had shared this tip with me at the start of my career.

    Amazon Link

    School Shootings

    U.Southward. Hole-and-corner Service

    The U.S. Secret Service has taken the lead in researching school shootings and has completed several recent studies to heighten our understanding and preparation.  Responding to mass shooting is a chaotic effect that can involve multiple agencies; which has resulted in accidental firearms discharges past officers.  Grooming and familiarity is primal to a swift & proper response while avoiding bad outcomes such as the 2016 inadvertent shooting of a special Amanuensis or adventitious firearms discharges by law enforcement personnel in general ( See Related AP New Article ).

    USSS Reports

    Evy Poumpouras

    Former Secret Service SA Evy Poumpouras is a 12 year veteran who recently made the transition to noncombatant public life.  Poumpouras was involved in the ix/11 recovery effort, served on Presidential protective details and later specialized equally a polygraph examiner.  Like many others, she is using the "Secret Service" brand to jumpstart a successful private sector career.

    In 2020, Poumpouras released a book titled "Becoming Bulletproof " that "hopes to teach others to be brave while staying safe."    She was also featured on Spencer Lodge Podcast No. 116.

    Becoming Bulletproof

    What Is The United States Secret Service Mission Statement,


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