Facepalm: Wearing headphones or earphones to bed might aid you drift off to sleep. But wearing wireless earphones, like Apple'south AirPods, is a risky motion. Merely ask one Massachusetts man, who accidentally swallowed an AirPod in his slumber.

Bradford Gauthier of Worcester, MA, institute out the difficult fashion that wearing AirPods while sleeping comes with its risks. Later on shovelling snow for a couple of hours on Monday night, Gauthier put on his AirPods, chose his favorite playlist, and headed to bed for a well-earned slumber. However, when he woke the adjacent morning, one of his AirPods was missing.

On top of that, Gauthier was experiencing some discomfort in the centre of his chest, although to begin with, he thought nothing of it. Gauthier told WWLP News 22 that he went out to shovel more snowfall, simply the discomfort remained. "When I came in, I tried to drink a glass of water once more and couldn't."

A trip to the ER and a quick X-ray led to the discovery of Gauthier'southward missing AirPod—it was firmly lodged in his esophagus.

Fortunately, the minor device was easily recovered following an endoscopy and Gauthier was able to return dwelling house, feeling "really quite lucky" that the surprise obstruction hadn't been more than serious. Whether the AirPod is nevertheless in skillful working lodge remains to be seen.